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The state's ballot access laws have traditionally been lenient, with prospective presidential candidates required to pay only a $1,000 fee to secure a line on the primary ballot. ", "New Hampshire 2020 Primary: Live Results", "2020 Presidential Primary - Democratic Write-Ins (last update: 19:06 Feb.13)", "Bloomberg Beat 2 Well-Known Democrats in the NH Primary. [8], Among the more notable events of the campaign was the 2019 state convention, at which 19 of the candidates give speeches. By France Baguette Publié le 3 octobre 2019 7 avril 2020. 100% reporting. Buttigieg received only 21% of the vote among those under the age of 45, but outperformed Sanders 26–17 among voters 45 and older. The New Hampshire primary is a semi-closed primary, meaning that only Democrats and independents may vote in this primary. Primaire Démocrate 2020 : les sondages État par État. The following candidates were on the ballot[7] and are listed in order of filing. Primaire démocrate 2020 : un afflux de candidats. The 2020 New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary took place in New Hampshire, United States, on February 11, 2020, as the second nominating contest in the Democratic Party primaries for the 2020 presidential election, following the Iowa caucuses the week before. Résultats au plus tard le 6 juin 2020 ! Voter turnout set a new record for New Hampshire primaries, with 300,742 ballots being cast,[3] breaking the previous record of 287,527 set in the 2008 primary.[4]. By contrast, Amy Klobuchar finished in an unexpectedly strong third place. Both Sanders and Buttigieg lost the 45-and-older vote to Klobuchar, who received 27% of the vote in this group. Publié le 26/09/2019 - 14:12. Similarly, Klobuchar convincingly won among voters aged 65 and older, receiving 32% of their votes, as compared to only 14% for Sanders and 12% for Biden. [10], A Lesser-Known Candidates Forum was also held, featuring candidates on the New Hampshire ballot but who were not considered major candidates. 260,608. Cette fois, plus de doute : l’ancien vice-président a de fait remporté la course à l’investiture, infligeant une défaite sévère à Bernie Sanders, mardi 10 mars, dans plusieurs Etats. Pas moins de 20 candidats déclarés, avec des profils aussi différents que les tendances politiques qu’ils représentent. Of the 24 pledged national convention delegates, 8 each are allocated to each of the state's 2 congressional districts and another 3 are allocated to party leaders and elected officials (PLEO delegates), in addition to 5 at-large pledged delegates. [24], Exit polls showed that Sanders benefited from his strong performance among young voters as he won about half of the under-30 vote, with this group making up about 14% of the electorate. Florida Democratic Presidential Primary Univision Biden 63, Sanders 25, Gabbard 2 Biden +38 Ohio Democratic Presidential Primary NBC News/Marist Biden 58, … Each at-large delegate is pledged to support a specific presidential candidate as determined per the statewide qualified popular vote result of the primary held on February 11, but the exact name of the at-large delegate will only be elected among the participating delegates at the "New Hampshire national convention delegation meeting" on April 25. New Hampshire sends 33 delegates to the national convention, of which 24 are pledged delegates allocated on the basis of the results of the primary, and the other 9 are unpledged delegates (superdelegates) preselected independently of the primary results.[1]. The 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries and caucuses were a series of electoral contests organized by the Democratic Party to select the 3,979 pledged delegates to the 2020 Democratic National Convention held on August 17–20 to determine the party's nominee for president of the United States in the 59th U.S. presidential election. Suivez la course à l’investiture avec les tous derniers sondages disponibles pour la primaire démocrate. Each PLEO delegate is pledged to support a specific presidential candidate as determined per the statewide qualified popular vote result of the primary held on February 11, but the exact name of the PLEO delegate will only be elected among the participating PLEO delegates at the "New Hampshire national convention delegation meeting" on April 25. Joe Biden, vainqueur par K.-O. Next », Latest 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary Polls, Pennsylvania Democratic Presidential Primary, Sanders 23, Biden 19, Bloomberg 15, Warren 8, Buttigieg 5, Klobuchar 4, Sanders 32, Biden 25, Warren 16, Bloomberg 17, Buttigieg 5, Klobuchar 3, Steyer, Gabbard 2, Sanders 28, Biden 30, Bloomberg 20, Warren 15, Buttigieg 4, Klobuchar 3, Gabbard 1, Steyer, Sanders 32, Biden 27, Warren 21, Bloomberg 16, Klobuchar 2, Gabbard 1, Buttigieg 0, Biden 45, Sanders 25, Warren 13, Bloomberg 10, Klobuchar 4, Gabbard, Buttigieg, Biden 39, Sanders 24, Warren 17, Bloomberg 18, Klobuchar 0, Gabbard 1, Buttigieg 0, North Carolina Democratic Presidential Primary, Biden 45, Sanders 18, Bloomberg 11, Warren 7, Klobuchar 3, Buttigieg 3, Gabbard, Biden 36, Sanders 27, Bloomberg 18, Warren 14, Klobuchar 2 , Buttigieg 3, Gabbard 1, Sanders 57, Biden 16, Warren 16, Bloomberg 8, Gabbard 2, Buttigieg 1, Klobuchar 0, Massachusetts Democratic Presidential Primary, Warren 28, Biden 26, Sanders 26, Bloomberg 15, Buttigieg 2, Klobuchar 1, Gabbard 1, Steyer 0, Sanders 43, Biden 24, Warren 16, Bloomberg 10, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Gabbard, Steyer, Sanders 34, Biden 25, Warren 20, Bloomberg 18, Klobuchar 1, Buttigieg 1, Gabbard 1, Steyer, Biden 34, Sanders 27, Bloomberg 20, Warren 15, Klobuchar 2, Buttigieg 2, Gabbard 1, Biden 47, Sanders 22, Bloomberg 18, Warren 12, Gabbard 2, Sanders 32, Warren 21, Biden 18, Bloomberg 16, Buttigieg 8, Klobuchar 4, Gabbard 2, Biden 36, Sanders 23, Bloomberg 22, Warren 15, Buttigieg 2, Klobuchar 1, Gabbard 1, Biden 35, Sanders 28, Bloomberg 19, Warren 16, Buttigieg 0, Klobuchar 0, Sanders 29, Biden 23, Warren 19, Bloomberg 17, Buttigieg 7, Klobuchar 3, Gabbard 2, Steyer 0, Sanders 35, Biden 14, Warren 12, Bloomberg 16, Buttigieg 7, Klobuchar 5, Steyer 3, Gabbard 3, Sanders 28, Biden 19, Warren 18, Bloomberg 13, Buttigieg 9, Klobuchar 6, Steyer 4, Gabbard 3, Sanders 38, Biden 21, Warren 16, Bloomberg 11, Buttigieg 7, Klobuchar 5, Steyer 2, Gabbard 1, Sanders 31, Biden 26, Bloomberg 16, Warren 14, Buttigieg 5, Klobuchar 4, Gabbard 3, Steyer 2, Biden 14, Sanders 28, Bloomberg 20, Warren 12, Klobuchar 4, Buttigieg 8, Gabbard 1, Sanders 31, Biden 19, Warren 18, Bloomberg 12, Buttigieg 9, Klobuchar 4, Steyer 3, Gabbard 1, Sanders 30, Biden 26, Bloomberg 13, Warren 17, Buttigieg 6, Klobuchar 6, Gabbard 0, Steyer 1, Sanders 34, Biden 19, Bloomberg 15, Warren 10, Buttigieg 8, Klobuchar 3, Gabbard 1, Steyer 1, Sanders 29, Biden 19, Bloomberg 21, Warren 10, Buttigieg 8, Klobuchar 4, Gabbard 1, Steyer 1, Biden 24, Sanders 26, Bloomberg 15, Warren 11, Klobuchar 5, Buttigieg 7, Gabbard 1, Biden 29, Sanders 25, Bloomberg 14, Warren 11, Klobuchar 5, Buttigieg 4, Gabbard 1, Warren 22, Biden 11, Sanders 24, Bloomberg 13, Buttigieg 12, Klobuchar 5, Gabbard 1, Steyer 2, Sanders 30, Biden 21, Bloomberg 21, Warren 13, Buttigieg 9, Klobuchar 5, Gabbard 1, Steyer 1, Biden 25, Sanders 27, Bloomberg 18, Warren 11, Klobuchar 6, Buttigieg 10, Gabbard 1, South Carolina Democratic Presidential Primary, Biden 34, Sanders 25, Steyer 13, Buttigieg 13, Warren 7, Klobuchar 5, Gabbard 3, Biden 44, Sanders 23, Steyer 11, Buttigieg 10, Warren 6, Klobuchar 6, Gabbard 2, Sanders 35, Biden 13, Warren 14, Bloomberg 12, Buttigieg 7, Klobuchar 6, Steyer 3, Gabbard 1, Sanders 34, Biden 8, Warren 17, Bloomberg 12, Buttigieg 11, Klobuchar 6, Steyer 2, Gabbard, Sanders 29, Biden 20, Bloomberg 18, Warren 15, Buttigieg 8, Klobuchar 3, Gabbard 0, Steyer 1, Sanders 26, Biden 20, Bloomberg 20, Warren 11, Buttigieg 6, Klobuchar 2, Gabbard 1, Steyer 2, Biden 27, Sanders 19, Bloomberg 16, Warren 11, Klobuchar 5, Buttigieg 4, Gabbard, Warren 17, Biden 9, Sanders 25, Bloomberg 13, Buttigieg 14, Klobuchar 6, Gabbard 1, Steyer 2, Warren 23, Biden 12, Sanders 25, Bloomberg 9, Buttigieg 14, Klobuchar 7, Gabbard 4, Steyer 3, Sanders 28, Biden 6, Warren 15, Bloomberg 19, Buttigieg 18, Klobuchar 4, Gabbard, Steyer, Biden 22, Sanders 17, Warren 8, Bloomberg 13, Klobuchar 5, Gabbard, Buttigieg 8. The first polls opened at midnight local time (EST),[6] with the vast majority of polling places closed by 7 p.m. and a small number of cities allowed to close at 8 p.m.[1], In the semi-closed primary, candidates must meet a viability threshold of 15 percent at the congressional district or statewide level in order to be considered viable. Par Gilles Paris Publié le 04 février 2020 à 06h48 - Mis à jour le 10 février 2020 à 21h05. [1], The 24 pledged delegates New Hampshire sends to the national convention as per the results of the primary on February 11, will be joined by 9 pre-determined New Hampshire PLEO unpledged delegates (also known as superdelegates): 5 members of the Democratic National Committee and 4 members of Congress (of which 2 are Senators and 2 are U.S. By France Baguette Publié le 3 octobre 2019 7 avril 2020. Steyer with 4%; Ryan with 1%, Bennet, Bullock, Castro, Delaney, Messam, Sestak, and Williamson with 0%; "someone else" with 0%, Steyer with 2%; "Other" with 1%; Castro with 0%; Delaney, Bullock, Bennet and Williamson with less than 1%. candidats encore en lice à la primaire démocrate pour 2020 Liste des candidats déclarés à l’investiture du Parti démocrate en vue de l’élection présidentielle américaine de novembre 2020. The New Hampshire primary is a semi-closed primary, meaning that only Democrats and independents may vote in this primary. Bloomberg with 2.3%; Patrick with 0.7%; Bennet with 0.5%, Bloomberg with 0.9%; Patrick with 0.8%; Bennet with 0.5%, Patrick with 0.4%; Bennet with 0.3%; Booker with 0.1%; Boyd, Burke, Bullock, Castro, De La Fuente III, Delaney, Dunlap, Ellinger, Gleib, Greenstein, Harris, Hewes, Koos, Kraus, Krichevsky, Moroz, Sloan, Sestak, Thistle, Torgesen, Wells and Williamson with 0.0%; other (write-in candidates) with 1.5%, Patrick with 0.4%; Bennet with 0.3%; Booker with 0.1%; Boyd, Burke, Bullock, Castro, De La Fuente III, Delaney, Dunlap, Ellinger, Gleib, Greenstein, Harris, Hewes, Koos, Kraus, Krichevsky, Moroz, Sloan, Sestak, Thistle, Torgesen, Wells and Williamson; other (write-in candidates) with 1.5%, By the time of this poll, Data for Progress, which has worked with both the Sanders and Warren campaigns, had endorsed Warren, Bennet, Bloomberg and Patrick with 1%; other with 2%, Bennet and Patrick with 1%; "someone else" with 2%, Patrick with 1%; Bennet with 0%; other with 2%; refused with 0%, Bennet and Bloomberg with 0%; Patrick with no voters; other with 1%, Patrick with 1%; Bennet with 0%; "someone else" with 3%, Bennet and Patrick with 0%; "Other" with 3%, Bennet with 1%; Patrick with no voters; other with 2%, Patrick with 1%; Bennet with 0%; "someone else" with 2%, Patrick and Bennet with 0%; "someone else" with 3%, Bennet with 1%; Patrick with 0%; "Other" with 3%, Bennet and Patrick with 1%; "another candidate" with 3%, Bloomberg with 2%; Patrick and Bennet with 0%; "Other" with 1%, Bennet and Patrick with 1%; "Other" with 2%, Patrick and Bennet with 1%; "Other" with 1%, Bennet and Patrick with 0%; "Other" with 1%, Bennet with 1%; Patrick with <1%; "Other" with 1%, If the primary came down to the five candidates listed in this poll, If the primary came down to the four candidates listed in this poll, Patrick and Bennet with 0%; "someone else" with 2%, Bennet and Patrick with 1%; "Other" with 1%, Bennet and Patrick with 0%; "someone else" with 4%, Bennet and Patrick with 0%; "someone else" with 2%, Bloomberg with 2%; Bennet and Patrick with <1%, Bloomberg with 2%; Bennet with 1%; Patrick with no voters; other with 2%, Patrick with 1%; Bennet and Delaney with 0%, Bennet, Delaney, and Patrick with 0%; "Other" with 2%, Bloomberg (explicitly as a write in) and Patrick with 2%; Bennet with 1%; "Other" with 3%; Delaney not reported, Bloomberg with 3%; Bennet with 2%; Delaney and Patrick with 0%; "Other" with 2%, Bennet and Patrick with 1%; Delaney with <1%, Bloomberg and Delaney with 1%; Bennet and Patrick with 0%, Bloomberg and Patrick with 1%; Bennet with <1%; Delaney with 0%; some other candidate with 2%; would not vote with <1%, Bennet and Patrick with 1%; Delaney with 0%, Delaney with 1%; Bennet and Patrick with no voters; "someone else" with 6%, Bloomberg with 4%; Bennet, Delaney, Patrick and Williamson with no voters; other with 1%, Sponsored by a presidential candidate's campaign, Bennet with 2%; Booker with 1%; Delaney and Williamson with 0%; Patrick and "Someone else" with 0%, If the primary came down to the seven candidates listed in this poll, Booker with 2%; Patrick with 1%; Bennet, Castro, Delaney, and Williamson with 0%; "Someone else" with 0%, Steyer with 3%; Bloomberg with 2%; Williamson with 1%; Bennet with <1%; Castro and Delaney with 0%; someone else with 2%; would not vote with 3%, Steyer with 3%; Bloomberg and Williamson with 1%; Bennet, Bullock, Castro and Delaney and Sestak and with 0%; someone else with 2%, Steyer with 2%; Bullock, Castro and Delaney with 1%; Bennet, Sestak and Williamson with 0%; others with 2%; refused with 1%, Steyer with 5%; Delaney and Williamson with 0%, Steyer with 1%; Bennet, Bullock, Castro, Delaney, Messam, Sestak, Williamson with 0%, "Someone else" with 2%, Steyer with 3%; Bennet and Castro, with 1%, Bullock, Delaney, Messam, Sestak, Williamson with 0%, Steyer with 3%; Sestak with 1%; Bennet, Castro, Delaney and other with 0%, Steyer with 1%; Castro with 0% and Williamson with 0%; other with 3%.

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